Sunday, February 5, 2012

Solving that question brings the priest and the doctor in their long coats running over the fields

Alright - it is time. Time to emerge from the stacks, brush the red rot from my clothes and spend some time giving this blog the time I'd originally intended. Like all things, I had great visions of posts about rare books, art and artifacts, events, news, books, auctions and general items of note. To date I have fallen embarassingly short of this. The good news is that I have been keeping up on all of things I hoped of posting about and that there is still time. The difficult end is training myself to incorporate Livrelle into my daily routine.

People's daily routines could be material for doctoral theses in many subjects. Your daily routine is not something you likely would have guessed that librarians archivists and museum professionals are spending their time worrying about. But it is. Take a moment and think through everything you do from the time you get up to the time you turn in for the day. There is not much room for adding extra new and different things is there? I didn't think so. But today's cultural and information professionals need to be constantly thinking up new ways to get people to incorporate these cultural and information institutions and services into their day.

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